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Laowaijie, or foreigners' street, at 731 Hongxu Road in Minhang District, is a kaleidoscope of restaurants and bars assuming exotic appearances and serving food with international flavors.
The 24,000-square-meter "Food United Nations" has experienced two-time sector renovations and is becoming an innovative street block noted for those new-consumption lifestyles it has created. It is a place where young people can frequent its pet park, craft beer tavern, immersive theater and other venues.
The street had its official opening in April 2002.
Previously, it was the Hongmei Road Leisure Street, an embryo of the "Food United Nations" laurel it has earned today. Back in those days, the street not only gathered six major Chinese cuisines, but was also a cluster of themed eateries and bars serving Japanese, Thai, Indian, Indonesian, Iranian, Mexican, American, German, Spanish, Belgian and Greek food.
It quickly gained Internet fame and was named a national AAA tourist venue in 2012.
手机博彩娱乐城注册送彩金The Laowaijie park morphed from an old Woolen Sweater Factory in October 2005. It was designated as an art industrial park.
规定In 2019 fierce commercial competition forced the park to undergo an expansion and renovation.
After a renewal of investment, the street grew by two thirds of its original scale. The original wall that separated the park from the street was dismantled. The street is now connected to the park, which breathes new life into the neighborhood.
皇冠体育维基百科The food is still good. The street is also empowered by a healthy "front-store-back-factory" mode, in which venues such as The Boxx, a comedy entertainment venue, and a pet park, help create new lifestyles and bring in customers.
皇冠代理"Quite a few of our store owners chose Laowaijie after they were recommended here by our former tenants. The trust strengthens our determination to offer better service and business environment for the block. We'll plan more activities to help attract more customers for them," said Zhang Gangyun, head of Laowaijie Hengchang Investment Co.
“老外街海外文创生计园”,坐落于闵行区虹许路731号,坐拥文创区与街区两大区域。占地2.4万遍及米的“好意思食纠合国 ”资格了两次大界限的纠正,正在成为一个以创造新阔绰生计花样而闻名的转换式街区。不仅为市民和搭客提供了回味寰宇好意思食的绝佳行止,更是年青东谈主打卡潮水基站、宠物公园、精酿酒馆、千里浸式戏院等多元业态的理念念地方。
红丹火狐体育平台网址皇冠客服飞机:@seo3687Source: SHINE
Edited by XuPeixin
送菠菜街机娱乐平台Reviewed by Fang Jialu,Yao Yiying,Liu Kenbo(